Dear Friends,
In the Bible’s Gospel of John, close to the time of His death on the cross, Jesus comforted his disciples with these words:
“My peace I give to you; not as the world gives…LET NOT your heart be troubled, neither LET it be afraid.”
John 14:27
Sounds like we can decide whether or not we LET our hearts be troubled and fearful. One way that helps is to immediately put into God’s hands all our questions, fears, ‘impossible’ problems, circumstances and ask Him to take care of it. It takes Faith: believing the Creator of the World, can handle our comparatively small problems, and give us the strength, courage, provision, and creative insights to help.
So, instead of becoming troubled and fearful over ANYthing, “Let Not”, and receive the Peace Jesus gives. He dwells in our hearts when we invite Him.
I want to thank our faithful friends who have continued your support of the work here in Mexico. Thank You!
Because of the Covid virus, the schools we support with lunches have been closed or had limited opening with staggered classes. Happily, Quimixto was able to have a full-school closing and Graduation ceremony, in which I took part. It was wonderful to see all our friends and students and grown-up students with their babies. We provided the meal of posole and cookies for the whole town.
Some other projects: helping with funds for two different car repairs, medical bone density testing and other medicine, help for two funerals of friends, groceries for workers and friends, and friends with Covid, graduation and baby shower gifts, giving to those who ask on the street. Also, I remain in prayer for more opportunities. Praying the Schools will re-open soon. Please pray for Mere, our faithful cook in Boca de Tomatlan, who lost her husband last week.
I was so blessed to be able to pray with Juan, our Chef school graduate, to receive Jesus into His heart. He had been troubled and afraid, but was smiling with happy tears and joyful after we prayed.
I inherited the job of leading a Women’s Bible Study when our snowbird, Jan, returned home. It has been a blessing to learn and grow together with wonderful women.
With the help of my Pastor and his wife, our church, and condo friends and neighbors, we held a Memorial Service for Randy, my late husband, here in Puerto Vallarta. It was very uplifting to see so many come to remember him. I continue to be grateful and blessed for our life together, and all that Randy accomplished and meant to so many people through God’s help. I am comforted always knowing he is with God
Love and blessings,
Sandra Barr
Caring for Kids in Mexico
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If you would like to help support our work with Caring for Kids in Mexico, or A Light to the Nations in Africa: Go to the Financial Support link and click on the DONATE button at the bottom of the page, or mail your check made out to A Light to the Nations to:
Caring For Kids
313 Arbor Avenue
West Chicago, IL 60185
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