Dear Friends, and Family,

Nacho our Mexican Uber

It’s been a blessing to bring Family and Friends to the village of Quimixto with me this New Year. We have given the local horse rental guy, Nacho, lots of business when he leads us up to the cemetery and the waterfall. It’s a fun adventure even as we visit Randy’s grave and remember all the excitement he brought into our lives.

We are grateful to still help with the school lunches and pray with the kids. The mothers are willing volunteers whom we appreciate each week. We also love to donate school supplies like glue sticks and paper; also lots of crayons to Veronica for all the children she teaches catechism. Valentine’s Day here is called Dia de Amistad y Amor: Day of Friendship and Love. I love that. I gave happy pink and white marshmallows shaped like flowers for the school party. It looks like I may be able to add the school in Boca de Tomatlan back to the lunch program again. I would really appreciate your prayers for guidance concerning this.

Volunteer Moms

A sincere “Thank You!” to those of you who so faithfully support the work here. I seek to be faithful and keep sharing God’s love and message. Our women’s Bible study is learning so much from the fast-paced Gospel of Mark, which moves like a motion picture, using the word ‘immediately’ forty-two times! In Mark 10:43 Jesus talks about serving: “…among you, it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant…For even the Son of Man [Jesus] came not to be served but to serve others and to give His life as a ransom for many.” The Creator of the universe humbled himself for us. What a beautiful example for us to follow.

With love and blessings,
Sandra Barr
Caring for Kids in Mexico

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If you would like to help support our work with Caring for Kids in Mexico, or A Light to the Nations in Africa: Go to the Financial Support link and click on the DONATE button at the bottom of the page, or mail your check made out to A Light to the Nations to:

Caring For Kids
313 Arbor Avenue
West Chicago, IL 60185

