

August 2017 Newsletter

Dear friends, Luke & Brianne Luke & sons with Randy “Jesus called them to Him and said, ‘Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.” Luke 18:16 By God’s grace and help, we just [...]

July 22, 2017|

June 2017 Newsletter

Dear friends, I realize our Mother’s Day greetings are a bit late, but heartfelt, nonetheless. Moms, I trust you were honored, appreciated, and felt very special for all you do and have done for your families. This past month we have had several celebrations with our school kids. The end [...]

July 22, 2017|

April 2017 Newsletter

Dear friends, Sand sculpture of La Pieta for Holy Week and Easter. The greeting used by the early church after Jesus’ resurrection was: “He is risen!” To which another would respond: “He is risen indeed!” We trust you had a joyous Easter season. I pray you were spiritually [...]

April 14, 2017|
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